My Haiku Exhibit Moves to the Hospital

Would like the reception on March 15th, but will be busy @ our winter home in Boca Raton, FL. Best wishes to my instructor of 2012! Mike
{Marc Shane, pen name}

Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog

Dear Readers,

My solo, traveling haiku/senryu exhibit with art will be at the Wellness Center of Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights, IL from April 1 until July 1. (800 W. Central Rd., separate building on the hospital campus).

Healthcare settings are always great places for haiku and senryu to appear, due to the affirming and healing nature of these poems expressing our innermost feelings. The NCH campus is also a great place for health and fitness classes, spa services, physical therapy, and cardiac rehab.getfileattachment-3

I believe that just like exercise, haiku and senryu should be practiced each day of one’s life for emotional and mental well-being. Writing haiku and senryu is like putting together a puzzle and it forces us to think about how best we can express our feelings to others.

For people struggling with illness, haiku and senryu can be particularly beneficial. A few years ago, I…

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Today’s Haiku (October 27, 2017)

We have have a hole in our sock, not ‘on’ our sock!

Blue Willow Haiku World (by Fay Aoyagi)

菊日和靴下の穴見えたかな   永末恵子

kikubiyori kutsushita no ana mieta kana

            chrysanthemum weather

            did someone see a hole

            on my sock?

                                                Keiko Nagasue

from “Gendai Haiku Shûsei” (“Modern Haiku Collection”) edited by Yasumasa Soda, Rippu Shobo, Tokyo, 1996

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Today’s Haiku (October 6, 2017)

Like your ‘autumn rain’ poem!

bright colors
a celebration of
dying leaves

Blue Willow Haiku World (by Fay Aoyagi)

秋の雨校舎まだらに灯りをり  小沢麻結

aki no ame kôsha madara ni tomoriori

            autumn rain

            a school building lighted

            in patches

                                    Mayu Ozawa

from “Chô Shinsen 21”,  (“Ultra New Selection 21”) edited by Bansei Tsukushi, Yasuko Tsushima, Leona Takayama, You-shorin, Nagano, Japan, December 2010

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Today’s Haiku (September 11, 2017)

I don’t get it???

Blue Willow Haiku World (by Fay Aoyagi)

いわし雲抜けた乳歯が飛んでくる  対馬康子

iwashigumo nuketa nyûshi ga tondekuru

            sardine clouds

            a baby tooth that came out

            flying toward me

                                                            Yasuko Tsushima

from ‘Haidan,’ (‘Haiku Stage’) a monthly haiku magazine, September 2017 Issue, Honami Shoten, Tokyo

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Today’s Haiku (September 3, 2017)

Like your autumn wind poem.
bright colors
the dying leaves

Blue Willow Haiku World (by Fay Aoyagi)

ジーパンの膝の口あけ秋の風   山下美典

jiipan no hiza no kuchi ake aki no kaze

            a hole

            at the jean’s knee

            autumn wind

                                                Minori Yamashita

from “Haiku Shiki” (“Haiku Four Seasons,” a monthly haiku magazine) , March 2013 Issue, Tokyo Shiki Shuppan, Tokyo

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